Yup you read that correctly. . .vagacial. . .a facial for your vagina. . . .. . .yea. For those of you who have never heard of this (like me a few weeks ago) your probably a little weirded out (like I was). Apparently this is an actual thing that became popular a few years ago and supposedly has real benefits. Today a number of spas across the country offer this treatment which is supposed to aid in the prevention/removal of ingrown hairs and acne, while smoothing and revitalizing skin and treating discoloration. In other words it's supposed to make your kitty glow. It is recommended after waxing so if your one of the brave ones (not me!) who actually endure that torture this may be something you want to consider. The first step involves cleansing the area (usually with witch hazel). Next, an exfoliating scrub is applied which is followed by removing any ingrown hairs. Finally, a cream mask is applied and then a moisturizer. So this procedure isn't really as weird as it sounds. Pretty much similar to an actual facial. Not sure if I would ever get one but it caught my attention and it's obviously popular (just google it and see). There's even tutorials on how to DIY at home! Comment below with your thoughts on this, especially if you have ever gotten one because I am somewhat fascinated by this and want to hear your experience.
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June 2017